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ADMA Biologics

Valuation analysis

Community Contributor
August 12 2024
November 20 2024
pizzitaxi's Fair Value
19.2% undervalued intrinsic discount
20 Nov


Actual company guidance: 2024: 415 MUSD revenue (S24) and net income 120 MUSD (E24), 2025: 465 MUSD (S25), 165 MUSD net income (E25)

Market cap of 5.35 BUSD (P) at 22.62/share: P/S24 = 12.9, P/E24 = 44.6, P/S25 = 11.5 and P/E25 = 32.4)

My assumptions:

ADMA will be highly profitable due to high ratio of hyperimmunes (maybe eventually they will only manufacture hyperimmunes if S. pneumonia is successful and provided they can source the required amount of hyperimmune plasma). CSL (its large peer) has 11% FCF and 17% net profit margin but most of the revenue is not generated from high margin hyperimmunes and a lot of revenue not even from IgG. CSL trades at P/FCF = 35, P/S = 7, P/E = 35-40 which seems expensive as CSL grows much slower than ADMA)

I assume ADMA can generate 1 BUSD in revenues by 2029 (S29) with FCF margin 35% (FCF29 = 350 MUSD) and net profit margin of 30% (E29 = 300 MUSD)

To be conservative let me assume lower multiples for ADMA in 2029 than CSL currently has, although ADMA may still have a higher growth rate than CSL currently has:

P/S29 = 6 --> market cap of 6 BUSD

P/E29 = 25 --> market cap of 7.5 BUSD

P/FCF29 = 25 --> market cap of 8.75 BUSD

Let us take the average and say ADMA's market cap will be around 7.5 BUSD which means around 40% higher than current market cap of 5.35 BUSD --> approx. 7% annualized return from current price --> not a market beating return with above multiple assumptions

Reverse discounted cashflow at current TTM revenue of 383 MUSD at 35% FCF --> 134 MUSD --> revenue needs to grow 16%/y over next 10 years to justify current price (if ADMA gets to 1 BUSD of revenue by 2029 --> growth of 21%/year) --> currently undervalued

All in all, I am not selling my shares. However, I may start trimming as valuation is not as favorable anymore as 6-12 months back. Further, ADMA mgt announced potential yeld improvements of 20% which are not yet included in guidance. If such yield improvements are achieved this will be almost pure profit in addition. So current 383 MU

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The user pizzitaxi has a position in NasdaqGM:ADMA. Simply Wall St has no position in any of the companies mentioned. The author of this narrative is not affiliated with, nor authorised by Simply Wall St as a sub-authorised representative. This narrative is general in nature and explores scenarios and estimates created by the author. The narrative does not reflect the opinions of Simply Wall St, and the views expressed are the opinion of the author alone, acting on their own behalf. These scenarios are not indicative of the company's future performance and are exploratory in the ideas they cover. The fair value estimates are estimations only, and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and they do not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Note that the author's analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material.

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pizzitaxi'sFair Value
19.2% undervalued intrinsic discount
Future estimation in
PastFuture-74m1b20132016201920222024202520282029Revenue US$1.0bEarnings US$314.6m
% p.a.
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