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Generac Holdings

Generac valuation

julioNot Invested
Community Contributor
May 02 2024
July 16 2024
julio's Fair Value
9.3% undervalued intrinsic discount
16 Jul

Author's Valuation


9.3% undervalued intrinsic discount

julio's Fair Value


  • Generac is the undisputed leader in home standby generators, with over 70% market share.
  • Generac is expanding into clean energy via acquisitions, representing a large and growing addressable market.
  • Generac is well positioned to capitalize on an increasingly distributed electric grid.Bear
  • Generac ’ s home standby generator orders are highly reliant on power outage activity.
  • Generac ’ s success in the clean energy business is not guaranteed, given strong incumbents.
  • Generac faces risks in integrating its numerous acquisitions into a cohesive product offering.

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