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Nigerian Breweries

Acquired the remaining 20% shareholding in Distell Wines and Spirits Nigeria Limited (DWSN) amid N1.08 Trillion revenue

Community Contributor
March 19 2025
March 20 2025
WaneInvestmentHouse's Fair Value
3.6% overvalued intrinsic discount
20 Mar

Author's Valuation


3.6% overvalued intrinsic discount

WaneInvestmentHouse's Fair Value

Nigerian Breweries Plc (NB) has acquired the remaining 20% shareholding in Distell Wines and Spirits Nigeria Limited (DWSN), completing its full acquisition of the company. This move follows the execution of a sale and purchase agreement with DWSN's minority shareholders, Ekulo International Limited and Next International Nigeria Limited.

The acquisition is expected to reduce complexities and enhance decision-making, supporting NB's ambition to expand beyond beer. DWSN has already relocated its production from rented premises to NB's facilities, enabling it to leverage economies of scale and strengthen its position in the wines, spirits, and ready-to-drink (RTD) categories.

NB's full-year revenue for 2024 grew significantly by 80.8% year-over-year to reach N1.08 trillion. However, the company reported a post-tax loss of N144.8 billion for FY 2024 due to increased cost of sales and other challenges. To address these challenges, NB initiated a business recovery plan in 2024, which included a Rights Issue.

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