Africa Prudential Plc has announced its 2024 financial results, reporting a significant increase in profit before tax (PBT) and profit after tax (PAT).
Key Highlights:
- PBT increased by 95% to N2.81 billion in 2024
- PAT grew by 88% to N1.81 billion
- Gross revenue rose by 31.5% to N5.19 billion
- Total dividend payout increased by 67% to 75 kobo per share
- Total assets expanded by 52% to N34.84 billion.
Subject: Africa Prudential Plc's Total Liabilities Surge 81.4% to N24.01bn in 2024
Africa Prudential Plc has reported a significant increase in its total liabilities, which rose by 81.4% to N24.01 billion in the financial year ended December 31, 2024.
Key Highlights:
- Total liabilities surged by 81.4% to N24.01 billion in 2024
- Customers' deposits rose by 72.2% to N20.82 billion
- Creditors and accruals increased by 437% to N1.72 billion
- Total assets grew by 51.6% to N34.85 billion
- Profit after tax increased by 88.0% to N1.81 billion
- Gross earnings rose to N5.20 billion, with total comprehensive income standing at N2.29 billion.
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