
First HoldCo

1st Tranche of Recapitalization has been completed, await the private placement to raise N350 Billion

Community Contributor
January 27 2025
March 21 2025
WaneInvestmentHouse's Fair Value
17.5% undervalued intrinsic discount
21 Mar

Author's Valuation


17.5% undervalued intrinsic discount

WaneInvestmentHouse's Fair Value

FirstHoldco has announced the successful completion of its Rights Issue, with an impressive oversubscription of 25% above the target amount.

Key highlights of the Rights Issue include:

- Oversubscription: 25% above the target amount

- Total Subscriptions: N187.6 billion

- Target Amount: N150 billion

- Purpose: To strengthen the Group's position in the market, invest in innovation, and drive sustainable growth in FirstBank, its flagship subsidiary.

Adebowale Oyedeji, the Group Managing Director of First HoldCo Plc, expressed his delight at the successful completion of the Rights Issue, citing the overwhelming response from shareholders as a testament to the trust and confidence placed in the FirstHoldCo Group.

The company has extended its appreciation to the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities and Exchange Commission for their support in ensuring the integrity of the process and the capital market.

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