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Panasian Power

High growth company

Community Contributor
March 21 2025
March 21 2025
UshanDeSilva's Fair Value
78.1% undervalued intrinsic discount
21 Mar

Author's Valuation


78.1% undervalued intrinsic discount

UshanDeSilva's Fair Value

Panasian Power Plc


Panasian power plc is a pioneering supplier of clean and renewable energy which commenced operations in 2002 and has since become a leader in the renewable energy industry. PAP produces clean renewable energy from hydro, solar and other renewables sources in Asia and Africa. The company has a diversified renewable energy portfolio comprising of over 22.4 MW of generation capacity. PAP reserves the exclusive right as the authorized channel partner for sungrow inverters and master supplier agreement with LONGI solar panels in Sri Lanka. Offering a wide range of inverters and solar panels to satisfy the growing energy demand.


PAP has managed to grow revenues by close to 3x in the last 5 years while maintaining gross profit margins of over 50%. PAP also has an interest cover of 1.55 times and a current ratio of 1.15 times. The cashflows also indicate significant investments made to expand business operations.


Sri Lanka plans to achieve 70% of its energy demand through renewable energy by 2030 and aims for 100% by 2050. This should poise the company for aggressive expansion. In 2024 PAP signed PPA`s with the Ceylon Electricity Board of Sri Lanka to commission 35 MW solar projects through its fully owned subsidiaries which are assumed to be completed soon. These projects enable PAP to more than double its generation capacity from 22.4 MW to 57.4 MW. Positive sustainable growth can be expected from PAP`s placement in Africa since their energy demand are forecast to grow in the future.


Taking the above facts and figures into consideration PAP should yield high capital and dividend growth to investors over the next few years

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