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Transjamaican Highway

Transjamaican Highway will ride traffic growth to boost revenues by 5.5%

Community Contributor
March 20 2025
March 20 2025
Sean876's Fair Value
76.5% overvalued intrinsic discount
20 Mar

Author's Valuation


76.5% overvalued intrinsic discount

Sean876's Fair Value

Company Overview

TransJamaican Highway Limited operates Jamaica’s East-West toll road network under a concession agreement extending until 2036, making it a cornerstone infrastructure asset with predictable cash flows tied to toll rates and traffic volumes.


  1. Traffic Growth: Continued urban development and highway expansions (e.g., Phase 1C) drive traffic volume increases.
  2. Toll Adjustments: Scheduled toll increases linked to inflation ensure steady revenue growth.
  3. Debt Refinancing: Reduced interest expenses improve profitability, reflected in higher net profit margins.


  1. Concession Renewal Uncertainty: Long-term risks exist if renewal terms beyond 2036 are unfavorable.
  2. Economic Sensitivity: Traffic volumes may decline during economic downturns, impacting revenue growth.
  3. Regulatory Risks: Changes in toll policies or government intervention could affect profitability.

Valuation Zone

Based on adjusted intrinsic value calculations (JMD $2–2.51/share), TJH currently trades slightly below its intrinsic value at JMD $1.80/share, offering modest upside potential for long-term investors seeking stable income-generating assets.

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