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Thor Explorations

Advancing Gold Projects In Senegal And Côte d'Ivoire Will Strengthen Future Prospects

Consensus Narrative from 1 Analyst
March 16 2025
March 19 2025
AnalystConsensusTarget's Fair Value
12.0% undervalued intrinsic discount
19 Mar

Author's Valuation


12.0% undervalued intrinsic discount

Analyst Price Target Fair Value

Key Takeaways

  • Strategic projects in Senegal and Nigeria could increase future revenues and profitability while diversifying revenue sources and driving growth.
  • Transitioning to a net cash position may enhance financial flexibility, potentially increasing shareholder value through dividends or buybacks.
  • Legal and operational challenges, along with reliance on external cost factors, risk impacting Thor Explorations' net margins, earnings, and investor confidence.


About Thor Explorations
    Operates as a gold producer and explorer.
What are the underlying business or industry changes driving this perspective?
  • Thor Explorations is advancing its Douta project in Senegal towards a preliminary feasibility study, which could indicate substantial project value, potentially increasing future revenues and improving earnings.
  • The company's exploration activities at Segilola, including drilling for high-grade shoots under the pit and satellite deposits, are expected to extend mine life, enhancing revenue continuity and potential profitability.
  • With Thor's near-term transition to a net cash position after deleveraging, future financial flexibility may support shareholder returns through dividends or buybacks, potentially enhancing shareholder value and earnings per share.
  • The company’s strategic entry into Cote d'Ivoire with potential high-yield gold projects may diversify revenue sources and provide new growth opportunities, improving prospective earnings.
  • Thor Explorations benefits from a favorable regulatory environment in Nigeria, including a tax holiday extending to 2026, which positively impacts net margins and net income potential for several years.

Thor Explorations Earnings and Revenue Growth

Thor Explorations Future Earnings and Revenue Growth


How have these above catalysts been quantified?
  • Analysts are assuming Thor Explorations's revenue will decrease by 9.9% annually over the next 3 years.
  • Analysts assume that profit margins will increase from 33.2% today to 60.4% in 3 years time.
  • Analysts expect earnings to reach $66.4 million (and earnings per share of $0.1) by about March 2028, up from $49.9 million today.
  • In order for the above numbers to justify the analysts price target, the company would need to trade at a PE ratio of 4.3x on those 2028 earnings, which is the same as it is today today. This future PE is lower than the current PE for the CA Metals and Mining industry at 12.6x.
  • Analysts expect the number of shares outstanding to remain consistent over the next 3 years.
  • To value all of this in today's terms, we will use a discount rate of 7.07%, as per the Simply Wall St company report.

Thor Explorations Future Earnings Per Share Growth

Thor Explorations Future Earnings Per Share Growth


What could happen that would invalidate this narrative?
  • Thor Explorations faces tax allegations from Osun State, Nigeria, which could result in financial liabilities amounting to $1.9 million, potentially impacting net margins due to legal costs or penalties and affecting investor confidence.
  • Operational challenges, including fly-rock incidents, delay in liner delivery, and unexpected seasonal rainfall have led to lower gold production than anticipated, which could impact the company's revenue and earnings negatively.
  • Dependence on external factors such as diesel and ammonium nitrate prices for cost efficiency means that any significant price spikes could increase operational costs and reduce net margins.
  • The exploration projects, while promising, require substantial investment and carry the risk of not yielding commercially viable results, impacting earnings and potentially leading to increased expenditure.
  • The ongoing legal challenges and tax disputes in Nigeria pose a potential risk to future revenue streams, especially if the tax holiday arrangements are affected, impacting earnings and shareholder value.


How have all the factors above been brought together to estimate a fair value?
  • The analysts have a consensus price target of CA$0.5 for Thor Explorations based on their expectations of its future earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.
  • In order for you to agree with the analyst's consensus, you'd need to believe that by 2028, revenues will be $109.9 million, earnings will come to $66.4 million, and it would be trading on a PE ratio of 4.3x, assuming you use a discount rate of 7.1%.
  • Given the current share price of CA$0.46, the analyst price target of CA$0.5 is 8.0% higher. The relatively low difference between the current share price and the analyst consensus price target indicates that they believe on average, the company is fairly priced.
  • We always encourage you to reach your own conclusions though. So sense check these analyst numbers against your own assumptions and expectations based on your understanding of the business and what you believe is probable.

How well do narratives help inform your perspective?


Warren A.I. is a tool utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) that ingests data on consensus price targets, forecasted revenue and earnings figures, as well as the transcripts of earnings calls to produce qualitative analysis. The narratives produced by Warren A.I. are general in nature and are based solely on analyst data and publicly-available material published by the respective companies. These scenarios are not indicative of the company's future performance and are exploratory in nature. Simply Wall St has no position in the company(s) mentioned. Simply Wall St may provide the securities issuer or related entities with website advertising services for a fee, on an arm's length basis. These relationships have no impact on the way we conduct our business, the content we host, or how our content is served to users. The price targets and estimates used are consensus data, and do not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and they do not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Note that Warren A.I.'s analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material.

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